Home > News > Joshua Burnside Releases New EP 'Far O'er The Sounding Main'

Joshua Burnside Releases New EP 'Far O'er The Sounding Main' 16 April 2020

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‘Far O’er the Sounding Main’ is a collection of folk and traditional songs that was recorded by Joshua Burnside.
You can download it for free or pay-what-you-want on bandcamp here: 

Joshua says of the collection - ''most of these songs I heard for the first time at the Sailortown Folk Club in Belfast, so I’d like to dedicate the EP to all the regulars there, musicians, barstaff and punters alike.
Kate Barry introduced me to Lambs on The Green Hill. She sings it beautifully, and with a particular honesty and sadness which inspired me. Also a big thank you to Zarah Fleming for providing the lovely cello on that one.

Gary Graham and Gerard Mchugh’s version of Come My Little Son (England’s Motorway) is probably the most popular song at the folk club. Gary’s expertly restrained guitar playing, combined with the two singers perfectly balanced harmonies and timing is what makes it so special - my version owes a lot to theirs. They also provided the added vocals on the Bonny Bunch of Roses so another big thank you for that. The little slip-jig ‘Kitty May’ is my own composition, and is a dedication to my younger sister Catherine Burnside.''