Home > News > Welsh National Orchestra 'Death of a Fool' Cowritten by Kizzy Crawford

Welsh National Orchestra 'Death of a Fool' Cowritten by Kizzy Crawford 7 December 2020

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Kizzy Crawford has co-written 'Death of a Fool' with Edson Burton for the Welsh National Orchestra's new series 'Creating Change'.

"We are living in unprecedented times. International crisis has exposed the inequalities and injustices in our society more starkly than ever before. Growing economic, social, and physical uncertainty has shifted the ground beneath us. As a national arts organisation rising to the challenge of the new normal yet still unable to perform live work in theatres, Welsh National Opera is feeling more keenly than ever that bringing artists and ideas together through freedom of expression, helps us make sense of an unstable world. ‘Creating Change’ is an artistic conversation of this kind, where writers, composers, singers and musicians, celebrate the role of art to re-imagine a future of lasting social change."

'Death of a Fool' serves as a warning to artists past and present to better understand the sacrifices they will make for art. The lyrics of the eulogy to the fool don't hold back and the music by Kizzy Crawford scoops us up and swirls us around in a circus like way.